Over recent months the sales of the book have slowed down to a virtual standstill. During the first 27 days of August the book has sold 1 single copy. I value every single sale very highly and in fact the buyer of the August sale contacted me and I found out about yet another bowel cancer connection. The support from the bowel cancer community has been truly amazing. I have come to the conclusion that the book is getting close to the end of its life span certainly in terms of sales, and in spite of trying to keep the sales moving it seems to be a losing battle. So I have come to a difficult decision to alter the price of the kindle version of the book. This is a very difficult decision not least because the only way I can reduce the price on Amazon is to reduce my royalties from 70% down to 35%. So unfortunately the amount that gets donated to the charity goes down. However my view is that if I can increase sales then it is worth a try, because as things stand the fundraising effort has pretty ground to a halt. I totally appreciate the efforts and generous contributions of those who bought the book at its original price, but I hope that they will understand it is better in terms of fundraising that it is better to keep things moving and donations coming in even if they will be less per unit sale. If this doesn't work I will put the price back to its original status and accept that sales of the book will be slow until I come up with some kind of new marketing ploy. I think the lower price is worth a try?
So come on people for less than £1 you can get hold of the Kindle edition and help raise funds for Beating Bowel Cancer just click here.