Thursday, 13 August 2015

Beating Bowel Cancer Fundraising Site

In terms of fundraising one of the disadvantages of selling the physical version of the book on Amazon is the small margin that it makes for the charity. With a £7.21 list price I receive £1.01 in royalties. That is the nature of print on demand. 

I have recently set up my own website where I will be selling my books, mugs and t-shirts to raise money for the Beating Bowel Cancer charity. I am now able to sell copies of Beating Bowel Cancer on this site thereby cutting out Amazon. I am able to buy a batch direct  from CreateSpace at a discounted price and can sell them cheaper than Amazon and make more money for the charity. I can even sign copies if anyone really wants me to :) 

The books are on sale for £7 including P&P and can be bought by going to the new website here. All proceeds go to the charity.