Tuesday, 28 January 2014


To get an overview about the book click here

2 years ago mum went for a colonoscopy after she had been experiencing problems with going to the toilet. They were unable to fully get camera all the way through the colon due to the blockage, which we were told on the day would most likely be cancerous and it was. An absolute massive bombshell...

2 years on and mum had a routine colonoscopy today and what a different story. She was able to watch the procedure and ask questions whilst it was going on, and most importantly the results were clear, so yet another hurdle passed on her journey of recovery.

We continually appreciate just how wonderful the care and treatment has been for her and more importantly how fortunate she has been to come through the illness and make such a wonderful recovery. We nothing for granted and mum appreciates how she has to live her life to the max now... It is heartbreaking to hear about those less fortunate who don't win their battles with this horrible disease, and these sad pieces of news happen just too often still. I will do as much as I can through the book and other fundraising ideas this year and let's hope that raising awareness in people saves lives...

Monday, 27 January 2014

TEXT Donations

To get an overview about the book click here.

The amount of people wishing to make donations as well as buy the book has increased since the book was published. The amount raised by donations so far is not too far behind the amount raised by book sales. It was recently suggested to me by a very kind and generous lady that I should set up TEXT donations as she didn't like to put her bank details on the internet. This hadn't occurred to me and was a good point so I have now added TEXT donations as a way of raising extra funds for the charity. Simply TEXT TIMD66 £1 to 70070 with the amount up to you :) The total amount raised is now over £400 and I would still love book sales to push closer towards the magic 1000 mark, but I would welcome and be very grateful for any TEXT donations which go straight to the Beating Bowel Cancer charity.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

An Unsual Marketing Route!

2014 sees a rather unusual marketing route present itself to me. In my attempts to find romance online I am telling potential ladies about myself and of course one of the big things in my life over the last year or so has been the book. So this has become one of my subjects of conversation and it does seemed to have attracted a bit of interest. In fact it could be said that the girls are more interested about the book than they are about me! It would be nice if this route did generate a few sales, but I am hoping it might also get me some romance too!

Sales wise the book does need a boost with just a few sales in January so far. I am hoping to start taking some more photos for the second book too very soon, and to get that process up and running properly.