Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Introductory Half Price Offer on Smashwords

The "Beating Bowel Cancer" fundraising book is half price on smashwords as an ebook until June 23rd simply type in the coupon code VT46U at checkout https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/542772The coupon is only valid on smashwords... 

Monday, 15 June 2015

A Member of Parliament Buys The Book

I spent Sunday night writing up the Gabby Logan chapter for the new fundraising book Lives & Times. As the evening was drawing to a close I had a notification on Twitter that the first book had sold another copy on Amazon. This copy had been bought by MP Nadine Dorries who sadly lost a good friend to bowel cancer. She subsequently put a picture up on Twitter showing where she had read up to, and she has also written a great review you can see here.

Of course what Nadine didn't realise was that this contact could only end up with me asking her to be in the new book so we are now trying to arrange that. What an amazing journey doing these books continues to be, but also not forgetting the aim of them is to help raise awareness about bowel cancer and raise funds for the Beating Bowel Cancer charity.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Beating Bowel Cancer Book Now On ITunes

It's taken me over two and a half years since the book was first published, but today it has finally become available on iTunes. Although there is a kindle app for use on Apple products such as iPhones, iPads, itouch and Macs, many people prefer to read ebooks using Apple's iBooks. So now there is no excuse not to buy a copy, and you can go to the page on iTunes by clicking here.

It has been quite a mission getting the book onto iTunes. I have used the Smashwords website, so the ebook is now available on a few more platforms including Kobo and Barnes & Noble. I thought it would be a simple case of just uploading the old file I originally used to publish the book on Amazon. Unfortunately just about every little bit of formatting caused an issue. I had to upload 9 differently formatted versions of the before it was finally approved, but it was worth it, and it will stand me in good stead when I come to publish the new book. 

The book is selling on iTunes for £2.99 and every penny I get goes to the Beating Bowel Cancer charity, and for each sale it looks like the figure will be approximately £1.79. Let's hope this new release gives the book a little extra impetus!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Combatendo o Câncer Colorretal - Beating Bowel Cancer Portuguese Version

I am really pleased to announce that the Beating Bowel Cancer fundraising book has been translated into Portuguese! I registered the book on a site called Babelcube and was contacted by Manuela Santini, a young lady living in Brazil who wanted to do the translation. 

Manuela has done a fantastic job, and I'm really grateful for her work on the book. I have of course started the ball rolling and downloaded it, but it's a shame I can't read any Portuguese! The only problem we've had has been putting the pictures back into the translated version, but all is now finally complete. So for those of you who speak Portuguese or have any friends that speak here are the links where you can buy it. 

The proceeds I receive from the sale of the book will still go to Beating Bowel Cancer.

I would love to receive some feedback from anyone who does buy this translation of the book.