Sunday 3 February 2013

Marketing Challenges

Marketing of the book has been the biggest challenge and far more difficult than taking the photographs. Initially I contacted the Beating Bowel Cancer charity and they have been terrific with their support and putting together a press release and contacting the local media. The result of which was articles in local newspapers, the Reading Chronicle, Reading Post and Maidenhead Advertiser.

I have pretty much exhausted friends and family and need to somehow get to the next layer to generate new sales. Any ideas would be appreciated. One tactic I have used is posting on twitter and cancer forums and the support for the book there has been terrific and it has also been very heart warming to discover just how supportive these networks of people are for each other too. Since publishing the book it has been quite a humbling experience and I realise more and more not only how awful this disease is, but just how important it is to continue to raise awareness along with funds for the charity.

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